  • 442

PTFE O Ring White PTFE Seal Ring O-Ring

PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) rings and discs are used to keep things sealed in industries like semiconductors, chemicals, cars, food, and more.

  • Color: Default Color
  • Size: Default Size
  • Origin: China
  • Usage: Default Usage
  • Type: Default Type
  • Efficiency: 99.9% Type


PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) rings and discs are used to keep things sealed in industries like semiconductors, chemicals, cars, food, and more.

How PTFE is Made:

  1. PTFE starts as powder, pressed into shape using high pressure at normal room temperature.
  2. The shaped powder (called a preform) is removed and heated in special ovens to make it solid.

To make PTFE stronger, last longer, or work better in different situations, other materials (called fillers) are added. Here are some examples:

Types of Fillers:

1. Glass Fiber:

  • Added in small amounts (5%, 10%, 15%, or 25%).
  • Makes PTFE stronger at both hot and cold temperatures.
  • Doesn't easily react with most chemicals (except very strong ones like hydrofluoric acid).
  • Helps reduce wear and friction without affecting PTFE's electricity-blocking abilities.

2. Carbon Fiber:

  • Added in amounts from 10% to 35%.
  • Makes PTFE harder and better at handling heat.
  • Reduces wear and works well in pistons that don’t use oil.
  • Adds some electricity-conducting properties to prevent static electricity.

3. Graphite:

  • Added in amounts from 5% to 25%.
  • Reduces friction, making surfaces smoother.
  • Can carry heavy loads at high speeds.
  • Often used with other fillers to improve strength and durability.

4. Bronze:

  • Added in large amounts (40% to 80%).
  • Helps PTFE handle heat and pressure better.
  • Used in hydraulic systems and sliding parts like machine guides.
  • Cannot be used with electricity and can be damaged by certain chemicals.